Energy – a necessity of all times. – Sidhanth

We all know that fossil fuels wont last forever. they can if we use them wisely but with the growing no. of vehicles and urbanisation even if we use them wisely they will get exhausted some day or the other. so now to overcome our dependence on fossil fuels we need to find alternative sources of energy. we all keep talking about solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear energy, these are some of the common sources of energy which are kept as a reserve resource for the future. but there are more alternative or sustainable sources rather than the sources mentioned above. for example one is biomass, the biomass power generating industry in the US, consists of approximately 11,000 MW of summer operating capacity actively supplying power to the grid, produces about 1.4 % of the US electric supply. 1.4% of US’ total energy supply is not a small number, but biomass isn’t the only one, there are many more and still many more to come. Another way of producing energy is by installing a machine under pavements or footpaths which can generate electricity by the vibration of footsteps, but this is just a theory it will need a large amount of capital and also you cant just close Manhattan for a week or any other footpath (because we need footpaths were a lot of people commute as to get better results, Manhattan is just a example). as fast as we can we need to shift our dependence from fossil fuels to some other alternative sources. We as students should encourage people to shift from Petrol/Diesel to CNG (NOT HYDROGEN that is dangerous but has a great calorific value and is one of the most efficient fuels). Whenever we use any source of energy there is some resistance  which opposes the work. The entropy (or disorder or lag) keeps on increasing it does not decrease so we should use our resources wisely because it is all we have to help us sustain our future. Everyone should save energy some common methods like switching off electric appliances when not in use should be adapted. These look like small measures but if every single person in the world adapts these we will be able to make a big difference. We should spread awareness and educate people about alternative sources and that fossil fuels are not the only sources of energy. THINK TODAY, TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE.

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