You are eco-friendly in Amsterdam!~Nefeli Syriopoulou 

Amsterdam is both the most bicycle-friendly capital city in the world and, with an urban area population of over 1.1 million people, it is also the most bicycle-friendly city with over a million people in the world.  Amsterdam is the city that can combine sustainable tourism but also, city trips. Amsterdam was nominated for the…

Energy – a necessity of all times. – Sidhanth

We all know that fossil fuels wont last forever. they can if we use them wisely but with the growing no. of vehicles and urbanisation even if we use them wisely they will get exhausted some day or the other. so now to overcome our dependence on fossil fuels we need to find alternative sources…

WATER, a precious commodity in our world- Nefeli S.

Water, a colourless, transparent and odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain is the basis of survival for living organisms.What is water  for you? A need? A drink? A liquid? Water is important for life and the conservation of water is one of the most pressing environmental issues at the moment. “Environmental…

Energy and ways to deal with it’s Shortage- Shivang Goel

What is energy? Now in simple terms it means , something required to do work.  Energy is a primary input for almost all activities and is, therefore, vital for all the day to day activities. It is used in  industries , commerce, transport, telecommunications, wide range of agriculture and household services. Such a vast requirement…

Delhi’s Air pollution crisis-Nilanjan Ghatak

Hello Friends! Today’s article primarily deals with Air-Pollution which is currently, one of the most happening Environmental issues. I have talked about Delhi’s struggle with air pollution and ways to reduce pollution in Delhi in particular and the world at large. The Delhi government recently took an initiative-“The Odd-Even Plan” to curb emissions from vehicles…

The Future Of Energy-Shreyaans Jain

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can’t help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” This was Albert Einstein, explaining the reality of energy. Energy is our future, and with our…