WATER, a precious commodity in our world- Nefeli S.

Water, a colourless, transparent and odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain is the basis of survival for living organisms.What is water  for you? A need? A drink? A liquid?

Water is important for life and the conservation of water is one of the most pressing environmental issues at the moment. “Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical environment.”There are multiple environmental issues that the world is facing at the moment, such as over population, climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution or water scarcity. 

Water is a limited resources  in most African counties. Many experts believe that in the near future water will become a precious commodity like oil or gold. Some experts say that wars will be fought over who owns the water supply. The access to or the availability of clean and fresh water might just become rare phenomenon in the coming years!

Therefore, coservation of water has become one of the most pressing environmental issues at the moment as a part of the world’s population doesn’t have access to clean and safe drinking water, which makes it is even more alarming.Water is a limited and a precious resource and therefore it is time that everyone values the importance of water and starts conserving it.

I would like you,the readers, to find out your own water footprints with the Water Footprint Calculator (http://www.gracelinks.org/1408/water-footprint-calculator) and share it with me, in the comments below! This Water Footprint Calculator will help you to learn about the water “hidden” in food, energy and the things you buy, and you will be able to play with your answers to see how you can lower your footprint!

I hope you’ll initate steps to conserve water and surely value it’s presence in a clean form!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Charu says:

    I calculated my water footprint. Glad to have known the massive amount of water being used daily 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. clinergy says:

      Great to know that 🙂


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